Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sarasota and Manatee Counties Builders continue to offer Buyers More Choices

It's no surprise...

that builders are continuing to flourish in this market of low inventory re-sale homes. That means that for many buyers a brand new home is one of the best ways to make the Florida Dream a reality. Some builders have inventory homes that means a Buyer can move in sooner. For others building their very own home on a lot that matches their criteria makes the most sense. Here are some myths that I'd like to clear up:

1. Buyers will not save money by not being represented by a Realtor/Buyer's Agent. The fees that would typically go to the agent are simply retained by the Builder giving them more profit.

2. The Builder Reps do not represent the Buyer. They are compensated by the Builder and their job is to protect the Builder and the Builder's interest.

3. You must use the Builder's Mortgage company and Title Company. - No. You do have choices, however some Builders do offer incentives to use their preferred partners.

4. I can't make any changes to the interior of the home. - Not every builder is a tract builder and many do offer options to make changes.

5. As a buyer I can't be as involved as I would like. That is true for many tract home builders, however there are custom builders such as our local Camlin Homes that offers a Concierge Program. What does that mean? You, the buyer choose from a list of architects. You have a choice in everything else from the H-Vac to the finishings. Camlin shows you the invoices. How do they get paid? They place a fee for service on top of the costs. It's an open book policy that works for many well researched, involved buyers.

6. My Realtor will dump me at the Builders and run. No, not if you use a Team like TeamWorks. We're there to ensure you are "taken care of" from beginning to end.

7. Where is the best place to search for New Built Homes? Check out

We're here to assist you in your New Home Purchase!

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